Fonds de la Police Militaire pour enfants aveugles

The Military Police Fund for Blind Children (MPFBC) was founded in 1957 and specializes in assisting visually impaired children up to the age of 21.
The fund is operated entirely by Military Police volunteers and has no paid employees. Every Canadian Forces establishment has a local representative and there are regional representatives on the Board of Directors. All funds raised are used to benefit visually impaired children. All Military Police and our partners are extremely proud of the Fund. The Board of Directors has been especially gratified with the success of the Fund. We define success by the money raised by our hard-working volunteers, and most importantly, by the number of disbursements to visually impaired children.
All profits from the sale of any MPFBC products will be donated to the MPFBC.
All MPFBC products available through the MP Kit shop will be available, AT COST, to any individual, Section or Unit hosting an Official event in support of the MPFBC. For more information about obtaining MPFBC items at cost, please contact the MP Kit shop manager at